Human Resource Services
The growth of any organization depends on the talent it has. That again, rests on the processes it follows for recruitment. Get the recruitment process right, and you virtually eliminate the risk of hiring the wrong person for the job. Get the process wrong, and you won’t even attract applications from suitable candidates.
Zonar Techno offers specialist recruitment solutions across wide ranging business functions. Our recruitment process is simple, yet value adding. It involves the understanding of your business and its hiring needs and based on the same, designing our search plan, perform the initial screening of the candidates and validate the credentials of the selected candidates by way of reference checks.
Zonar Techno provides full outsourced recruiting solutions for the entire company, individual business units or specific recruiting projects. We take a holistic approach including headcount planning, recruitment process design, employment branding, cutting-edge sourcing, hiring manager training, applicant tracking systems, compliance, vendor management and detailed reporting and measurement. Ultimately, recruiting and hiring accountability resides with us, and we ensure our clients meet their headcount objectives within budget.
Through our RPO services we ensure client to build a Cost Effective, Right Quality, In-Time delivery recruitment Organization.
When your business needs extend beyond your core competencies, let the industry's expert in temporary staffing services help you to regain your focus. At Zonar Techno, our world revolves around your business.
Zonar Techno temp staffing approach includes assisting clients in analyzing and improving their service delivery models, and identifying where temporary staffing can bring real business benefit. Our temporary staffing business solutions can help you in
Zonar Techno also understands the sensitive nature of the business of Temporary Staffing. Organisations often suffer because their contractors either do not understand or do not comply with complex statutory requirements of Indian Law.
With our growing scale of operations, we are developing a strong infrastructure, expertise and robust processes that are designed to handle large scale and diverse compliance requirements of our clients across locations. At an operational level we have a dedicated team of professionals with significant experience and relevant academic and practical know how, operating from different locations across the country.
Our ability to negotiate and liasion with the regulatory authorities and our initiatives also enable us to offer you a credible and strong service offering in this field.
Zonar Techno offers its clients a unique temp staffing solution which is convenient, compliant & customer focused.
Why Zonar?

We cover end to end compliance services starting from registration of an establishment / branch to handling inspections by Government Officials.
Zonar Techno supports companies to obtain necessary exemptions for uninterrupted and hassle-free business operations.
Clients would be updated on the amendments in the legislations for appropriate timely decisions and actions.
Our expertise in HR statutory compliance and PAN India presence enable us to offer a single window partnering platform for companies that have their establishments spread across several states.
we ensure you get all the required assistance with regards to statutory and labour law compliance requirements under one umbrella.
Consulting and Advisory Services
- Review labour laws compliance practices
- Study industry specific practices
- Suggest areas of risk and mitigation step
- Training on labour law compliances and guidelines
Audit and Assesment Services
- Review labour laws compliance practices
- Review of Client and Vendor compliances
- Audit of records (Localized and PAN India)
- Detailed Audit report on compliances applicable, risk areas and mitigation steps
- Due diligence (for labour laws) in mergers and acqsitions
- Due diligence of Contractors / Service providers
Maintenance Services
- Comprehensive assistance in record upkeep and maintenance
- Onsite and offsite service delivery model
- Payroll, Establishment, CLRA and factory compliances
- Statutory Remittances, returns and Challans
- Labour law advisory services
- Assistance in Inspections and Audits
Liasion Services
- Registration / Renewals under various labour laws / acts
- Special exemptions and approval
- Inspections closures under refered acts

Zonar Techno has a well-established and robust payroll processing system in place that is a combination of the best of software tools, expert know how, IT infrastructure and a strong payroll team. In response to articulated customer needs and as a logical extension of our services portfolio, we had introduced Payroll Process Outsourcing services as a standalone offering a few years ago. Our payroll processing services are configured to cater to your specific requirements.
Our proprietary system has a number of automated reminders and checklists to ensure that the workflow is timely and accurate. Further it allows for a complex set up of cost centers, SBU, line manager reporting, geographic zones, etc. to be factored in. Our client portal and MIS dashboards can also be configured for selective viewing ensuring confidentiality with access.
The Zonar Techno platform currently handles the payroll of over 5000 employees associates in over 96 locations and is designed not just for scale, speed and accuracy but also for confidentially, accommodating client specific needs and complexity